
  • 08 Mar, 2025



Earn up to 3% extra on annual contributions with Robinhood Gold Get 1% extra without Robinhood Gold, every year.

3% match requires Robinhood Gold (subscription fee applies) for 1 yr from the date of first 3% match. Must keep Robinhood IRA for 5 years.

You must have earned (wage) income in order to contribute to an IRA. The funds that earned the match must be kept in the account for at least five years to avoid a potential Early IRA Match Removal Fee.

Funds being contributed into or distributed from retirement accounts may entail tax consequences. Contributions are limited and withdrawals before age 59 1/2 may be subject to a penalty tax. Robinhood does not provide tax advice; please consult with a tax adviser if you have questions.

The Robinhood IRA is available to any of our U.S. customers with a Robinhood brokerage account in good standing.